Complaints Policy
We welcome complaints, compliments, and comments, as this feedback helps us to understand what we are doing well and where there are opportunities for us to learn and improve. If we have failed to meet the high standards we set ourselves, then we would like to know what has happened, to deal with the situation as quickly as possible and to take action to make sure that the same thing does not happen again.
Our complaints procedure
- Getting in touch
You can email us at adminATpvrinstitute.org, or contact us by phone or in writing using the contact details below. It's best to raise a complaint as soon as possible after the event it relates to and ideally within three months so we can investigate promptly. You can share compliments or comments with us using the same contact details. - Our response
We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days (if you've shared your contact information with us). Usually, our full response will be with you within 10 working days. However, if your complaint is complicated, it may take longer to investigate. We'll keep you updated if that's the case. - Making an appeal
If you’re unhappy with our response, please let us know. We'll ask an independent member of our team to review the investigation that was carried out and the reply that was provided to you. - Your rights if you are unhappy
If you're still unhappy with our final decision, you can have your complaint reviewed externally by contacting one of the organisations listed below.
Contact us
- By email: adminATpvrinstitute.org or for confidential complaints, you can contact our CEO Karen Osborn at koATpvrinstitute.org
- By post: PVRI, 5 Tanner Street London SE1 3LE
- By phone: +44 (0) 7934 126930
Our commitment to you
If you have a complaint or concern about our work, or staff or volunteers, or the way we raise or spend money, we will:
- ensure that our complaints process is fair and clear
- offer a secure and safe way to raise a complaint without fear of harm, consequence, or retaliation
- take your complaint seriously and investigate it as thoroughly and quickly as possible
- aim to keep you updated during the investigation
- make sure that your complaint is resolved, wherever possible
- treat you with courtesy and respect
- take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of children under 18 or adults at risk, when a complaint relates to these individuals. This is in line with our safeguarding policy
- maintain the confidentiality of your personal and sensitive information in line with our data protection responsibilities. Only those who are involved with handling your issue will be made aware of it
- consider all feedback as an opportunity to learn and take action to make sure mistakes are not repeated. If you have contacted us anonymously, we will still look into the matter you’ve reported.
Deciding whether we investigate a complaint
Although we are grateful for feedback, there are certain circumstances where we may choose not to investigate a complaint. For example, we might not investigate if a complaint:
- uses language that is threatening, abusive or offensive
- appears to be unfairly targeting a PVRI member, volunteer, or employee
- relates to something we’re not involved in
- has already been addressed and responded to according to the procedure set out in this document
- is about something that happened too long ago, which means we can't access the information we'd need to look into the matter.
Please note that, if your complaint relates to the action or inaction of one of our partners, we will refer the matter on to them as appropriate. We will only share your personal data with them after having gained your permission.
Who to contact if you’re unhappy with our decision
You have the right to contact these organisations if you’re unhappy with how we’ve dealt with your complaint. Usually, these organisations will take up a case after giving us an opportunity to reply or provide some more information.
Charity Commission for England and Wales
PO Box 211 Bootle L20 7YX
0300 066 9197
Complain about a charity - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Fundraising complaints
If your complaint relates to fundraising, the Fundraising Regulator can investigate. You need to contact them within two months of receiving a response from us.
Fundraising Regulator
Eagle House 167 City Road London EC1V 1AW
0300 999 3407
Make a complaint | Fundraising Regulator
Personal data complaints
If your complaint relates to the use of your personal data, you can contact
Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
0303 123 1113
Data protection and personal information complaints tool | ICO