Our Supporter Promise
Our supporters are key to the success of our global PH network. Without help from donors and fundraisers, we simply couldn’t do the work we do. We are incredibly grateful to all our supporters, and this is our commitment to you.
We promise to
- treat our supporters with respect and courtesy at all times
- ask for donations in a sensitive way, and take care not to use language or images that could cause anxiety or distress
- never put pressure on anyone to make a gift, or bombard them with requests. If someone doesn’t wish to give, or would like to end their support, we will respect their decision
- be aware that some supporters may be vulnerable. We will never knowingly solicit donations from vulnerable people, such as those living with dementia, significant mental health problems or learning disability, or those who are under 18
- never share supporter details with any external organisation except those with a valid need to know (for example the UK Government’s HM Revenue & Customs, who manage Gift Aid)
- treat supporter data with the greatest care, adhering to the regulations set out by the UK Information Commissioners Office, and to our own policies covering confidentiality, data protection and information governance
- respect peoples’ communication preferences, and comply immediately with requests to opt out of supporter communications
- log and investigate any complaints or errors. If someone is unhappy with an approach we’ve made, we will act quickly to rectify the situation and review our systems to put things right, make improvements, and learn from our mistakes
- comply with the UK Code of Fundraising Practice and any other UK regulatory requirements
- do our very best to make donating a pleasant and fulfilling experience for all our supporters.
Thank you for your support.