Our branding and logo

Launched at PVRI 2024 London, our new brand and logo captured the hearts and minds of our Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) community.
Our logo features a clear, bold, and modern wordmark, alongside an abstract icon of a heart and lungs, whilst our new colour palette adds a sense of harmony and energy to the visual identity. The purple tones are already commonly associated with pulmonary hypertension, putting PVRI at the heart of the PH community.
Our brand personality is trustworthy, sincere, and excited. Trustworthy because we’re working with the world’s leading pulmonary vascular specialists. Sincere because we’re always transparent and honest with our community. And excited because we believe in our mission to transform the lives of people worldwide affected by pulmonary vascular disease.
Our tone of voice is confident, clear, intellectually deep, respectful, warm, authentic, enthusiastic and engaging.