Where your money goes
Subsidised scientific meetings
In January 2024 we welcomed over 500 delegates from 33 countries to our Annual Congress in London. With help from our supporters, we subsidised the delegate fees for over 80 young doctors and researchers from low-income countries. With your support, we can subsidise delegate fees for our 2025 Annual Congress.
With your help, we can keep research at the heart of our work. Here are two very different examples of the research we support
- PVRI’s Global Patient Survey
We launched the Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) Global Patient Survey in late 2023 – the first-ever global study of its kind. It’s available in 23 languages, and almost 3,800 patients from 85 countries have completed it so far. Initial data analysis is underway to shed light on patient’s quality of life, diagnosis, treatment, hospital visits, financial burdens, access to care, views about research, and much more. This information – gathered directly from patients and caregivers – will be widely shared and used to influence improvements in patient care globally.
- GoDeep
In 2019 we secured funding for GoDeep - the first global meta-registry of clinical PH data. GoDeep now contains anonymised data from over 30,000 PH patients from around the world, and the number’s increasing every month. This incredible source of research data has the potential to unlock the mysteries of PH, to improve diagnosis and treatment, and ultimately to save lives.
PVRI Travel Grants
These cash awards help promising young doctors travel to our international meetings to present their research papers. This gives them international exposure, access to global experts, and new opportunities. £500 funds a Travel Grant that can transform a young doctor's career and help retain them in our PH field.
Developing our understanding
High altitude-related PH poses a real challenge. It’s not well understood, can be life-threatening, and tends to be most prevalent in low-resource countries where healthcare systems are often stretched and under-resourced. With your help, we support specialist international scientific meetings in fields such as high-altitude PH, where we can share the latest research and knowledge globally.
Raising awareness for early diagnosis
PH is a complex group of conditions that can be difficult to identify and diagnose. However, early diagnosis leads to better treatment, better quality of life, and often better length of life for patients. With your help, we can target more PH awareness and education at healthcare providers in key locations and start to tackle the problem of late diagnosis.
Global grants for conferences and special projects
Our Regional Task Forces are experts in the needs of PH patients and healthcare services in their regions. They define their own country’s needs and priorities and can apply to PVRI for grants to run top-quality scientific meetings and local projects that address their unique needs.
Free PVRI memberships
Every year we gift free PVRI memberships to young doctors from low-income countries. This gives them great discounts on delegate fees, reduced publication fees for their research, access to our members-only learning area, and a chance to be part of a global forum where they can both give and get support. Just $50 buys an annual membership for a PH doctor in a low-income country.
Free online education & debate
Our PVRI 2024 Digital webinar programme is low-cost but high-impact. It is designed by leading global PH experts and delivered by experts within our network. Together, we work ceaselessly to share and amplify learning in all things PH.