High Altitude Task Force

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More than 80 million people worldwide live in high altitude areas (>2500 metres above sea level). Studies indicate that factors linked to high altitude including low oxygen levels, vasculopathy and metabolic abnormalities alongside genetic predispositions, collectively contribute to the onset and advancement of PH. 

The High Altitude Task Force raises awareness and understanding of PH linked to high altitude and organises scientific conferences in regions affected by high altitudes. Recent events include:

The PVRI supported grants for both meetings.

The Task Force will have a session at the pre-meeting for the PVRI Rio 2025 Congress on 29 January. Details can be found on the Congress webpage. 

If you are interested in joining this Task Force, please get in touch.


The Task Force is organising a series of webinars on Hypoxia in pulmonary vascular research – altitude and beyond. Two webinars have taken place so far, a presentation on Pulmonary hemodynamic acclimatization to high altitude – pathophysiological insights by Robert Naeije, and one on Human metabolic responses to high altitude hypoxia by Andrew Murray.

The next webinars scheduled are:




Aastha Mishra, Institute of genomics and integrative biology (CSIR), India
Silvia Ulrich, University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland