Find support locally
Getting a diagnosis, treatment and receiving support for Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) can vary greatly from country to country. But no matter where you are in the world, living with PH can affect all areas of your daily life, regardless of whether you're a recently diagnosed adult or teenager, a long-time survivor, a caregiver, or the parent of a child with the condition.
We’ve pulled together a list of PH associations you can turn to for help as a patient or caregiver, no matter where you are in the world or where you are in your PH journey.
If you live outside of these regions and suspect you have PH, speak to your local doctor (GP or health clinic). If you would like us to add a support organisation that is not already listed, please contact us.

- South Africa: PHA SA is the Pulmonary Hypertension Association of South Africa. It offers information, support, hope, and the chance to become active in its community, whether you are living with pulmonary hypertension yourself or a caregiver.
- South Africa: The Jenna Lowe PH Clinic is a specialist clinic in Cape Town, South Africa, created shortly in memory of Jenna

- China: Beijing Aixike Pulmonary Hypertension Rare Disease Care Center
- India: Child Heart Foundation
- India: Pulmonary Hypertension India (Facebook Page)
- Indonesia: PH Foundation Indonesia
- Japan: PHA Japan
- Nepal: PHA Nepal
- Singapore: Pulmonary Hypertension Singapore

- Australia: Pulmonary Hypertension Association Australia
- New Zealand: New Zealand Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

- Europe: PHA Europe is the umbrella organisation for national associations of patients living with pulmonary hypertension in Europe. PHA Europe has a map of pulmonary hypertension specialists based across Europe. The Bel Air Center is a premier virtual conference center designed specifically for pulmonary hypertension patients and stakeholders. Dive into insightful presentations, explore virtual industry and PH association booths, engage in interactive chat areas, and much more.
- Austria: Pulmonary Hypertension Austria Initiative Lungenhochdruck
- Belarus: Aid to Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension
- Belgium: Pulmonale Hypertensie Belgie
- Bosnia & Herzegovina: Udruženje građana oboljelih od plućne hip-ertenzije “DAH” - u Bosni i Hercegovini
- Bulgaria: The Bulgarian Society of Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension - BSPPH
- Croatia: Plava krila - Udruga pacijenata oboljelih od plućne hipertenzije
- Czech Republic: Sdružení pacientů s plicní hypertenzí, z.s
- Denmark: Patientforeningen Danmark
- Estonia: Eesti Pulmonaalhüpertensiooni Ühing (Facebook page)
- Finland: Suomen PAH-potilasyhdistys ry
- France: HTaPFrance
- Germany: pulmonale hypertonie e.v.
- Greece: Hellenic Pulmonary Hypertension
- Hungary: Tüdőér Egylet
- Ireland: Pulmonary Hypertension Association Ireland
- Israel: Israel Pulmonary Hypertension Association
- Italy: Associazione Ipertensione Polmonare Italiana Onlus
- Italy: Associazione Malati di Ipertensione Polmonare Onlus
- Latvia: Pulmonary Hypertension Association Latvia
- Netherlands: Pulmonary Hypertension Association The Netherlands
- Moldova: Asociatia Obsteasca “Asociatia persoanelor cu hipertensiune pulmo-nara din Republica Moldova”
- Norway: LHL PAH - Pulmonal hypertensjon
- Poland: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Osób z Nadciśnieniem Płucnym i Ich Przyjaciół
- Portugal: Associação Portuguesa de Hipertensão Pulmonar
- Romania: Asociaţia Pacienţilor Hipertensivi Pulmonari
- Russia: Save and Protect
- Serbia: Plućna Hipertenzija Srbija
- Slovakia: Zdruzenie pacientov s plucnou hypertenziou
- Slovenia: Drusˇtvo Za Pljucˇno Hipertenzijo Slovenije
- Spain: Asociación Nacional de Hipertensión Pulmonar
- Spain: Fundación Contra la Hipertensión Pulmonar
- Spain: Hipertensión Pulmonar España Organización de Pacientes
- Sweden: PAH Sverige
- Turkey: Pulmoner Hipertansiyon ve Skleroderma Hasta Dernegi
- Ukraine: PHA Ukraine
- Ukraine: Pulmonary Hypertension Ukrainian Rare Disease Association
- United Kingdom: PHA UK has a list of specialist pulmonary hypertension centres in the UK and Ireland. Their PHA UK website offers comprehensive information on the condition, how it affects the body, who gets it, pulmonary hypertension and children, diagnostic tests, common questions after diagnosis, different treatments, and living with pulmonary hypertension.

- USA: PHA Association is for patients, caregivers, family members and friends, and anyone in the USA wanting to learn more about the condition. PHA provides a list of clinics, clinicians and researchers within the US who treat the condition.
- Canada: PHA Canada

- Argentina: Hipertension pulmonar argentina
- Brazil: Brazilian Pulmonary Hypertension and Related Diseases Association
- Chile: Chilean Association (HAPCHI)
- Colombia: Asociacion Tejido Azul
- Colombia: Fundacion Fundem
- Costa Rica: Asociacion Costarricense de Hipertension Pulmonar
- Costa Rica: Asociación Vivir la Vida Respirando Esperanza/Asociacion Vivire Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic: Fundación de Hipertensión Pulmonar de la República Dominicana (FHPRD)
- Ecuador: Asociación de Hipertensión Pulmonar Ecuador
- El Salvador: Asociación Salvadoreña de Hipertensión Arterial Pulmonar
- Guatemala City: Asociación Guatemalteca de Hipertensión Pulmonar
- Latin America: Sociedad Latina de Hipertension Pulmonar
- Mexico: HAP Mexico (Facebook page)
- Mexico: Fundacion Respira E Inspira
- Paraguaya: Esclerodermiapy (Facebook page)
- Peru: Llapan Kallpa
- Uruguay: Asociación Civil de Hipertensión Pulmonar Uruguay
- Venezuela: A Todo Pulmon (Facebook page)
- Venezuela: FUNDAVHIP