Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy


The PVRI celebrates diversity. We actively encourage engagement with stakeholders, staff and volunteers from different backgrounds and communities, and we are committed to equality and inclusion to ensure everyone can engage on their terms. 

Everyone who encounters the charity should be treated with dignity and respect and everyone working in or representing the PVRI should feel confident in challenging discrimination. 

Legal and policy context 

In compliance with the Equality Act 2010, PVRI will ensure that no one is discriminated against because of a protected characteristic. The characteristics protected by law are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 

The PVRI recognises those protected by the Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment Regulations pertaining to Part-Time Status (2000), Fixed-Term Status (2002) and is committed to the Equal Pay Act 1970. 

This policy exists alongside PVRI’s policies on Whistleblowing, Bullying and Harassment, Grievance, Complaints, Recruitment, and other employment policies. 


Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. It means treating people in ways that make sure they are not unfairly prevented from accessing resources and opportunities, and that others do not have an unfair advantage. Simply providing the same opportunities to everyone is not an effective way to create equality of outcomes. Rather than giving everyone the same thing, equality is about giving people what they need for fair access. This is about removing inequalities to make sure everyone has the chance to realise their ambitions. 

Equality recognizes that, historically, certain groups of people with protected characteristics have experienced discrimination. 

Inclusion means being proactive to make sure people of different backgrounds, experiences and identities feel welcomed, respected, and fully able to participate. It is not only about creating a diverse environment but also about ensuring a culture where individuals can be their full selves. 

Diversity means recognising and encouraging difference within an organisation or setting. Diversity recognises we are all different in many ways. People with differing identities, backgrounds and experiences should all have equitable access to resources and decision-making. Some people prefer to use the term ‘representation’ to focus on how organisations should be reflective of the society we live in and the communities we serve. 

Unconscious bias occurs when people favour others who look like them and/or share their values. For example, a person may be drawn to someone with a similar educational background, from the same area, or who is the same colour or ethnicity as them. 

Implementing this policy 

To ensure that our practice supports our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) the PVRI will implement the following measures, which will be reviewed every two years.

Support and training 

Staff and trustees will be offered training to ensure that they understand both the issues surrounding EDI and their responsibilities in respect of it. This will include making sure that they are confident in engaging appropriately and sensitively with people from different backgrounds, and are able to challenge discrimination if they witness it. Training will also be offered on recognising and mitigating unconscious bias in recruitment, promotion, and when engaging with the people we support. 

Staff recruitment and volunteer engagement 

The PVRI supports and encourages staff, trustees and volunteers to treat each other with dignity and respect, and enjoy a working environment free from discrimination, victimisation, bullying and harassment of any kind. All applicants and employees will be treated fairly and equally, and opportunities for employment, training, engagement and advancement will be fair and transparent. 

The charity recognises the need to create a diverse work environment and will strive ensure that employment and volunteer opportunities, and access to services and support are reaching people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. 

Access to services and support 

The PVRI actively seeks to engage with underrepresented groups within and beyond our membership, by promoting services and opportunities through a wide range of national and international media and professional networks. We recognise that people using our services come from a range of backgrounds and experiences, and are investigating ways of ensuring we can provide key information in accessible languages and formats. 


The PVRI will collect and collate monitoring data to assess how this policy, and any supporting action plans, are working in practice. The CEO will review data annually, take action to address any issues, and report progress to the Board.

Last updated: December 2022