Ethical Sponsorship, Fundraising & Partnership Policy


PVRI is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all of its business dealings and relationships. The charity has both a duty of care and a desire to show that it is sensitive to the general concerns of stakeholders regarding ethical sponsorship, fundraising and partnerships. The purpose of this policy is to help the charity achieve these aims, by: 

  • setting out the principles and parameters of working with commercial companies and partners, ensuring they are clearly linked to PVRI’s aims and objectives 
  • providing a framework for staff and trustees to agree activity, engagement and avoidance criteria for working with commercial companies and partners, and
  • ensuring clarity and openness. 

The policy covers both financial and ‘in kind’ support. 

Trustees must, under general principles of charity law, take decisions as to whether to accept or refuse gifts and donations in the best interests of the charity. When making these decisions, trustees will also be mindful of Charity Commission guidance that states trustees must not allow individual or collective views on political or ethical issues, which are not directly related to the interests of the charity, to affect their judgement. 

Guiding principles 

External support and funding helps us deliver and expand our programme of charitable activities, and in certain circumstances it can also lend greater legitimacy and influence to our activities. We will therefore seek to work with a range of organisations that support our work. 

  1. Charitable remit
    All funding secured from, and partnerships with, commercial sources should further our charitable objectives and be in keeping with our strategic priorities. 
  2. Maintaining our independence
    Our reputation relies in part on our independence, and any partnership we enter into must not compromise our independence. 
  3. Editorial control 
    We will usually only accept income or gifts in kind or enter into partnerships where we retain control over the activities, intellectual property (where generated by us) or editorial content of the project in question. Where this is not possible, trustee agreement is required for the partnership/sponsorship to proceed. 
  4. Integrity and transparency
    We will be transparent about who we are working with and the nature of the partnerships we are engaged in. All partnership agreements or MOUs will set out the benefits to both parties. 
  5. Financial contributions
    Acceptance of funding and sponsorship will not be determined by the level of financial contribution alone – we will work with organisations as long as they help to further our charitable objectives and strategic priorities. 
  6. Range of partners and sponsors
    We will not become reliant on funding and sponsorship from any one organisation, nor enter ongoing exclusive relationships without thorough Board scrutiny and approval. 
  7. Marketing
    We will not endorse specific companies and/or products unless peer-reviewed published research has shown a direct benefit to people affected by pulmonary hypertension. 
  8. Avoidance criteria
    Any avoidance criteria in force will be set out in our Investment Policy. 
  9. Privacy
    We will never allow corporate partners unsolicited access to our members or stakeholders, or access to their data or details. 
  10. Sponsorship
    Where we accept sponsorship for PVRI events or publications, we will maintain control over all activity and content. If appropriate, we may offer speaking or chairing opportunities to sponsors, but such offers will be based solely on merit and editorial reasons, and not due to a financial contribution alone. 


The PVRI will not accept financial support worth more than 20% of its expected annual income from commercial organisations without prior Board approval. 

Before accepting sponsorships, grants or gifts, the Chief Executive will consider the potential risks attached to acceptance in case it may cause harm to the PVRI, and whether such harm is likely to be disproportionate to the benefit PVRI will derive from the gift or sponsorship. This will usually include consideration of: 

  • How the gift or sponsorship supports the PVRI’s mission and values 
  • Whether acceptance could interfere with PVRI’s ability to fulfill its charitable aims or statutory obligations 
  • Whether acceptance might lead to undue or inappropriate third-party influence, or the impression of such influence 
  • Whether acceptance may leave the charity open to criticism from the press, public, or any other relevant community of professions – whether valid or not - resulting in damage to PVRI’s reputation 
  • Whether acceptance may jeopardise existing and future relationships with donors and supporters 
  • Risk or suspicion of money laundering or other illegal activity 

A written agreement or Memorandum of Understanding will usually be drawn up between the parties, setting out the expected benefits to each, and what each party will undertake to do. The agreement should allow PVRI to withdraw from the partnership if needed (for example if developments mean that areas of this policy are breached). 

The names of commercial sponsors and donors will be acknowledged on PVRI’s website for at least six months following receipt. 

Last reviewed: June 2024