PVRI Patron, Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub, launches biography

27 October 2023

Our esteemed patron Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub plans to attend our PVRI 2024 Annual Congress in London, where he will chair the COVID, Co-infections and Pulmonary Vascular Diseases session during the Infection in Pulmonary Vascular Disease (iPVD) Consortium pre-symposium. 

Sir Magdi has recently launched a biography A Surgeon and a Maverick – The Life and Pioneering Work of Magdi Yacoub, of his incredible life story from growing up in Egypt to his pioneering work in the UK and abroad. He has performed over 2,500 heart transplantations and at 87 is still committed to his love of patients and science. The story is also about science, innovative medical techniques, and a deep discovery of how the body works.  

Sir Magdi Yacoub, who established the largest heart and lung transplantation programme in the world, was knighted in 1992 for his incredible achievements, and in 2014 he was awarded the highest honour in the gift of the Queen, the Order of Merit. His story is about pushing the boundaries, triumph and tragedy, success and failure and perseverance.     

"I can almost write poetry about the heart. It just goes on silently, efficiently, serving, without complaining, without making a big noise....What I see, is a lot of talented young people, so I want to pass on everything I have learnt to these guys." Sir Magdi, Interviewed by Channel 4 News on 19 October 2023

Sir Magdi became a patron of PVRI in 2021. During this year, he chaired our Inaugural IDDI World Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) Day webinar: 'A bridge to a bridge' with Dr Martine Rothblatt, Founder & CEO of United Therapeutics. 

We look forward to spending time with Sir Magdi at our Congress at the end of January 2024. If you have not yet booked your place, there is still time to register here.
