PVRI’s new look, same passion

5 February 2024

Our new logo, launched at the PVRI 2024 Congress in London, 31 January – 4 February, captured the hearts and minds of over 500 pulmonary hypertension experts, researchers, industry, charity partners, drug regulators, and patients from over 31 countries. 

From small beginnings nearly two decades ago to the global organisation it is today, PVRI has grown from strength to strength. Since we began in 2006, there have been significant strides in research and medicine, but the charity recognises there is more to be done to achieve the vision of a world without Pulmonary Vascular Disease (PVD). Our new modern logo signifies a rejuvenated energy to achieve this vision. 

The theme of this year’s Congress was ‘The next 50 years of pulmonary hypertension – a global view’, so launching our modern and fresh visual identity that embraces an exciting new chapter for the organisation felt especially fitting. We wanted to ensure it reflects our members' energy, passion, and commitment to PVD, and the feeling of PVRI as a global family. Karen Osborn PVRI CEO, London 

The new logo, described by members as vibrant, warm, and memorable, builds on PVRI’s legacy while modernising key elements to bring our much-loved warm and caring nature to life. It forms part of a refreshed visual identity, which includes a greater focus on purple tones as the internationally recognised colour for pulmonary hypertension. Members and affiliated partners will soon be able to use our new PVRI logo. 

Request a brand pack with logo variations, presentation templates and comprehensive brand guidelines, and we will email it to you. 

