Sam, Max, Harri, Toby and Harrison race the 2024 Tough Mudder for PVRI

1 March 2024

Last year Sam, Max, and Harri completed the London Tough Mudder to raise money for the PVRI. After raising an incredible £3,742 which put them in the top three Tough Mudder fundraisers of 2023, they are back this year to compete again joined by Toby and Harrison.

The five boys are already in training for the 10K Tough Mudder South East on 6 April 2024. 

They are taking on the challenge in support of Bex, Sam’s 18-year-old sister. Bex was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension when she was just 11 years old. Because of this, Bex wears a large, heavy pump, which administers medicine through an IV line straight into her main artery. She cannot be disconnected from this pump at any point as the medicine she receives keeps her arteries open, allowing the blood to flow around her body. Without this continuous infusion, her arteries would start closing up. As well as her IV medication, Bex takes a cocktail of oral drugs. 

The boys want to find better treatments, or better still, a cure for Bex and others living with the condition, so they are raising money for the PVRI. 

Please support them by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of encouragement. 

Donations made through the platform are secure and will be received directly to PVRI.

