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31 March 2022

Webinar presentations: Age-dependent prevalence of PH in the general population, Harm Jan Bogaard, Senescence mechanisms and pulmonary vascular aging, Serge Adnot, Metabolic Syndrome and obesity leads to age-related PH, Imad Al Ghouleh, Genetics and epigenetics in age-related PH, Stephen Archer, Right heart catheterization is underused in elderly patients suspected of pulmonary hypertension, Samara Jansen

PVRI Digital Webinar Series
24 February 2022

Reversal of PH by whole bone marrow transplantation in BMPR2 deficient mice, James West, Bone marrow dependency of cigarette smoke-induced PH versus emphysema, Norbert Weissmann, Homologous bone marrow transplantation prevents the development of PAH in patients with severe scleroderma, Jason Weatherald, Role of bone marrow in the right ventricle remodelling, Gaurav Choudhary

PVRI Digital Webinar Series
17 February 2022

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a multifactorial chronic pulmonary disease. During the past decade, various pathophysiological pathways eventually leading to progressive pulmonary vascular remodelling have been detected...

IDDI Workstream or Task Force Learning
16 December 2021

Webinar presentations: Ardeschir Ghofrani (PRO) vs Hiromi Matsubara (CON) on Riociguat should be given to all CTEPH patients, regardless of timing of PEA/BPA, Systematic follow-up of patients following acute pulmonary embolism is associated with an increased incidence of CTEPH and less severe disease, Charlotte Durrington, Women and CTEPH: The special meaning of BPA, Alejandro Cruz-Utrilla, G protein-coupled receptor expression from single cell RNA sequencing in CTEPH, Gayathri Viswanathan, Study of the antifibrotic action of JAK inhibitors for the prevention and treatment of CTEPH, Andrei Karpov, Unilateral chronic thromboembolic pulmonary disease: Do they benefit from surgery? Farid Rashidi

PVRI Digital Webinar Series
25 November 2021

Webinar presentations

  • Looking beyond the hype: Applied AI and machine learning in translational medicine, Dennis Wang
  • Computational network pharmacology in cardiovascular disease – leveraging big data, Joseph Loscalzo
  • Utilizing artificial intelligence to screen and diagnose iPAH, David Kiely
  • Biological heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension identified through unsupervised transcriptomic profiling of whole blood, Sokratis Kariotis
  • Transcriptomic characterization of Pulmonary arterial hypertension on pathway level, Yajing Ji 
PVRI Digital Webinar Series
28 October 2021
  • When should a PH patient be considered for lung transplant? John Granton 
  • Atrial septum defect creation or mechanical support for end-stage PAH Erika Rosenzweig 
  • Lung and Heart-lung Transplant in 2021 – how well do PAH patients do? Eugene Golts
  • Pluripotent stem cell-based approaches and the future of artificial lungs Ulrich Martin
  • Timing and extent of ventricular reverse remodelling after lung transplant for PH Ryan Tedford 
PVRI Digital Webinar Series
30 September 2021
  • MicroRNAs and IncRNAs in right heart hypertrophy and failure Francois Potus
  • LncRNA as biomarkers/therapeutic agents for pulmonary diseases - prospective view Stephen Chen 
  • Epigenomics in pulmonary vascular remodelling Soni Savai-Pullamsetti 
  • Multiomic tools for single cell analysis Herbert Schiller
  • Proteomics: From discovery research toward the clinic - novel AI perspectives? Christopher Rhodes 
PVRI Digital Webinar Series
24 September 2021

Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a frequent finding in advanced COPD. Usually pulmonary pressure is only mildly elevated, but a subgroup of patients develops severe PH, arbitrarily defined as mean pulmonary pressure (mPAP) ≥35 mmHg)...

IDDI Workstream or Task Force Learning
26 August 2021
  • Role of notch1 in experimental pulmonary hypertension Ralph Schermuly
  • Notch-BMPR interactions in endothelium in PAH Marlene Rabinovitch
  • Notch3 is a driver and biomarker for PAH Patricia Thistlethwaite 
  • Notch3 lineage and pulmonary vasculopathy Maya Kumar 
PVRI Digital Webinar Series