Pro-Con debate session 2: Medical vs. surgical or interventional therapy for CTEPH
A PVRI 2024 Digital webinar
- Riociguat should be given to all CTEPH patients, regardless of timing of PEA/BPA, Ardeschir Ghofrani (PRO) vs Hiromi Matsubara (CON)
- Systematic follow-up of patients following acute pulmonary embolism is associated with an increased incidence of CTEPH and less severe disease, Charlotte Durrington
- Women and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. The special meaning of balloon pulmonary angioplasty, Alejandro Cruz-Utrilla
- G protein-coupled receptor expression from single cell RNA sequencing in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, Gayathri Viswanathan
- Study of the antifibrotic action of JAK inhibitors for the prevention and treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension, Andrei Karpov
- Unilateral CTED: Do they benefit from surgery? Farid Rashidi
Start of webinar poll
1. Talk 1 & 2: Which statement do you agree with
PRO: Riociguat should be given to all CTEPH patients, regardless of timing of PEA/BPA - 82%
CON: Riociguat should be given only to patients with inoperable or residual CTEPH after PEA/BPA - 18%
2. Talk 3: A dedicated PE follow-up clinic can improve diagnostic rates for CTEPH and identify patients with less severe disease
Agree - 91%
Disagree - 9%
3. Talk 4: Balloon pulmonary angioplasty will be a more important treatment option for women in comparison with men
Agree - 36%
Disagree - 64%
4. Talk 5: Identifying and studying various GPCRs as drug targets for CTEPH would open more therapeutic options for CTEPH patients.
Agree - 91%
Disagree - 9%
5. Talk 6: Targeted pharmacological suppression of fibrous vascular wall remodeling may improve prognosis in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Agree - 91%
Disagree - 9%
6. Talk 7: Performing Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy for unilateral CTEPH
Agree - 82%
Disagree - 18%
End of webinar poll
1. Talk 1 & 2: Which statement do you agree with
PRO: Riociguat should be given to all CTEPH patients, regardless of timing of PEA/BPA - 76%
CON: Riociguat should be given only to patients with inoperable or residual CTEPH after PEA/BPA - 24%
2. Talk 3: A dedicated PE follow-up clinic can improve diagnostic rates for CTEPH and identify patients with less severe disease
Agree - 100%
Disagree - 0%
3. Talk 4: Balloon pulmonary angioplasty will be a more important treatment option for women in comparison with men
Agree - 41%
Disagree - 59%
4. Talk 5: Identifying and studying various GPCRs as drug targets for CTEPH would open more therapeutic options for CTEPH patients.
Agree - 88%
Disagree - 12%
5. Talk 6: Targeted pharmacological suppression of fibrous vascular wall remodeling may improve prognosis in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
Agree - 94%
Disagree - 6%
6. Talk 7: Performing Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy for unilateral CTEPH
Agree - 82%
Disagree - 18%