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27 February 2024

The PVRI joins the community of physicians, scientists, patients and their families in mourning Dr John Newman’s passing on the 20 February 2024. 

5 February 2024

Our new logo, launched at the PVRI 2024 Congress in London, 31 January – 4 February, captured the hearts and minds of over 500 pulmonary hypertension experts, researchers, industry, charity partners, drug regulators, and patients from over 31 countries.

27 October 2023

Our esteemed patron Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub plans to attend our PVRI 2024 Annual Congress in London, where he will chair the COVID, Co-infections and Pulmonary Vascular Diseases session during the Infection in Pulmonary Vascular Disease (iPVD) Consortium pre-symposium. 

2 August 2023

We are delighted to share with you our Trustee Report and Financial Statements for 2022. The report highlights our successes over 2022, such as our post-COVID Congress in Athens, where President Werner Seeger's committee curated an exceptional scientific programme, leaving a lasting impact.

15 June 2023

Debs Waller has amassed over 20 years of experience in the field of communications and digital marketing, primarily within the charity sector. She holds professional qualifications in internal communications, website development, and multimedia authoring. Through her career, Debs has managed two small businesses, one specializing in website designing and the other in childcare.